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Marc Seifer Ph.D
Mayor LaGuardia’s Euology of Nikola Tesla set to Marc Seifer’s slides
Tesla: An Inconvenient Genius, Marc Seifer’s slides designed by Steve Kaiser
An interview with Marc Seifer on Tesla by Steve Kaiser
Professor Seifer's Warenclyffe Talk
Les Drysdale & Marc J. Seifer
Nicholas Lonchar and Marc J. Seifer
Marc J. Seifer in the homeland of Nikola Tesla, Serbia
Bono with friend at Tesla Conference 2014
Petar Ljubicic Ambassador with Marc Seifer at Croatian embassy.
Tim Eaton, Tesla Film Visionary: Dr. Vladimir Jelenkovic, head of the Tesla Museum in Belgrade; and Dr. Marc Seifer at the Tesla Conference at Hotel New Yorker, January 2012.
Bill Terbo (Tesla's nephew), Ambassador Jovanovic, Marc Seifer and Dr. Ljubo Vujovic speaking at the United Nations with the hopes of setting up an international holiday where the entire world would celebrate Nikola Tesla's birthday, July 10th.
Statue of Nikola Tesla by Les Drysdale
Inman & Seifer
Marc Seifer with Tim Eaton at ILM LucasFilms
Marc Seifer at Tesla's Apartment in New York City
Matt "The Oatmeal" Inman, Marc Seifer and Nenad Stankovic
At the unveiling of the Tesla statue at Wardenclyffe, 2013. The purchase of Tesla's Laboratory would not have occurred if not for Matt Inman.
Nikola Tesla
Uri Geller, Lois and Marc Seifer at Uri's house in England.
Marc Seifer and Ljubo Vujovic
Marc Seifer and William Terbo (Tesla's nephew) with his wife, Boyana at Wardenclyffe site
Marc Seifer talking at Nikola Tesla Conference
Best selling author, Nelson DeMille at Marc J. Seifer's book signing of Wizard.
Marc Seifer
Marc J. Seifer Ph.D, Statue of Nikola Tesla
SEIFER HANDWRITING CONSULTANT • email: • Box 32, Kingston, Rhode Island, Tel: 401 294 2414