Books of Fiction by Marc Seifer Ph.D.
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Rasputin's Nephew
"In a Nutshell"
The Soviet Union is in turmoil. Right-wing extremist, Petar Bonzovalivitch, has taken over and marshaled a cadre of psionic soldiers to topple the West and restore the empire that was once Russia.
Rudy Styne, ace reporter for Modern Times Magazine, is trying to locate NTroodr, a master hacker who is threatening to take down the entire Internet. As the story progresses, Rudy keeps running into his look-alike, Rolf Linzman, a successful German businessman, who Rudy will come to find is indeed biologically related to him.
Crystal Night
Crystal Night continues from Doppelgänger, following the story of the Maxwells, a German Jewish family trying to maintain their small elite airline through the onset of the Nazi period and WWII.
Fate Line
Handwriting expert and Holocaust survivor, Jacob Bruno, has his life take a fateful turn on a routine case when asked to restrict testimony, yet swear an oath to God to tell the whole truth.
Maxwell Chronicles
MAXWELL CHRONICLES is the two-book saga DOPPELGÄNGER & CRYSTAL NIGHT put together into one single volume!
SEIFER HANDWRITING CONSULTANT • email: [email protected] • Box 32, Kingston, Rhode Island, Tel: (401) 294-2414