Books of Non-Fiction by Marc Seifer Ph.D.

Marc J. Seifer

Tesla Wizard at War

Marc J. Seifer

In this insightful and revelatory new book,

Marc J. Seifer

Ozone Therapy

Marc J. Seifer

One of our immune system’s key defenses is ozone,

Marc J. Seifer

The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla

Marc J. Seifer

Marc J. Seifer

Handwriting Analysis

Marc J. Seifer

Written in a step-by-step fashion,


Nikola Tesla: The Man Who Harnessed Niagara Falls Interview by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Anthony Lenzo.

If you go to Goat Island at Niagara Falls, you will see a statue of Nikola Tesla inventor of the AC polyphase system,

Marc J. Seifer

Transcending the Speed of Light

Consciousness, Quantum Physics & the Fifth Dimension

Marc J. Seifer


Marc J. Seifer

with Stephen Rosati

Note: Mr. Rhode Island was the original title of FRAMED!

Marc J. Seifer

Where Does Mind End?

Introduction by Uri Geller.

From Freud to Gurdjieff

Adsit book Cover

The Art & Life of Robert J. Adsit

[By]: Marta Waterman,

Marc J. Seifer & Terrell Neuage

SEIFER HANDWRITING CONSULTANT • email: [email protected] • Box 32, Kingston, Rhode Island, Tel: (401) 294-2414